Command line reference


$ python -m rabbit_force [OPTIONS] CONFIG_FILE

Message sources, sinks and message routing rules should be defined in a CONFIG_FILE either in JSON (.json) or in YAML (.yaml, .yml) format. For a detailed explanation about the format of the configuration file check the configuration reference.


  • –ignore-replay-storage-errors - Ignore errors that might occur on reading or writing replay marker values.

  • –ignore-sink-errors - Ignore errors that might occur if a message can’t be forwarded to a given message sink due to network or configuration errors.

  • –source-connection-timeout - If the connection to the Streaming API fails due to network errors or service outages, try to reconnect for the given amount of seconds before producing an error. If 0 timeout is specified, then the service will try to re-establish the connection indefinitely.

  • -v, –verbosity - Logging detail level (1-3).

  • -t, –show-trace - Show full backtrace on error.

  • –version - Show the version and exit.

  • –help - Show help message and exit.